Custom Virtual Meeting System

Custom Virtual Meeting System

Institute for Advanced Study - Princeton, NJ

An Innovative Take On Virtual Meetings and Conference Calls

In response to the pandemic, the Institute for Advanced Study asked us to transform one of their dining halls into a virtual meeting space.

Our team designed and fabricated a custom cart to hold four large displays, a sound system, and a camera. The camera can pan, tilt, and zoom to view any seat in the room. 

We also added over a dozen microphones to tables with feedback control, ensuring that all attendees can be heard during video calls. Any seat is an ideal place to present from!


Custom Virtual Meeting System

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SkyZone – Covina, CA

SkyZone - Covina, CA


Check out this cool video showcasing the LED UV lighting system we provided and installed for this Sky Zone location!

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The Funplex – East Hanover, NJ

The Funplex - East Hanover, NJ


Delivering immersive lighting, audio, and video experiences for a brand new entertainment facility.

We did a whole lot of everything here! Have a look at our video to learn more about what went into integrating The Funplex in East Hanover.

VersaLamps, JBL Professional speakers, massive projection screens, LCD displays, and full turnkey automation all came together beautifully here. We couldn’t be more proud of the work our systems integration team accomplished!

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St. Paul’s Lutheran Church – Hainesport, NJ

St. Paul's Lutheran Church - Hainesport, NJ

A projection setup to enliven worship experiences:

When Saint Paul’s was in need of a motorized rear projection screen to replace an outdated installation they knew our team would be able to deliver a high quality and seamlessly integrated system.

This projector and screen look fantastic, even in the bright ambient daylight that fills their sanctuary! 

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Catholic Church of St. Mary – Cherry Hill, NJ

Catholic Church of St. Mary - Cherry Hill, NJ

Seamless audiovisual upgrades throughout Saint Mary’s entire facility:

The Catholic Church of Saint Mary in Cherry Hill, NJ knew they could count on the DFX systems integration team to overhaul their audiovisual offerings. We worked in several areas throughout their building to install speakers, microphones, and input plates in the least obtrusive way possible. We also helped set them up to stream worship services.

Knowing that black and white speakers would both stick out on the sanctuary’s natural wood finish, our integrators carefully painted JBL line array column speakers a tasteful shade of brown to help them sink into the room. In-ceiling and other compact speakers were installed in other areas to provide quality audio without taking up space or pulling focus.

Podium microphones, wireless microphones, and input plates were also provided in several areas, easily controlled through a touchscreen tablet. In the parish hall we provided a projector and screen to compliment their presentations and other social functions.

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